BALSAM FIR (Abies balsamea)
Other names: balsam, eastern fir.


The balsam fir is found from Minnesota to Maine in the Great Lakes region. It is short lived, seldom over 100 years of age.
The bark is thin and usually covered with resin blisters. The. wood decays rapidly when in contact with the ground. Any injury to the tree causes rapid infection and decay. The possibility of finding an original balsam fir bearing tree marked 100 years ago are very remote. The one tree reported as found had died and was lodged in an elevated position not in contact with the ground. The wood is course grained and soon disintegrates. 

If no better tree is available select the healthiest looking young tree 6" or so in diameter. Do not use old growth trees. Bark scribing is recommended. The bark scribing rapidly fills with pitch which should afford protection.