REDWOOD (Sequoia sempervirens)
GIANT SEQUOIA (Sequoia gigantea)
Other names: sequoia, may have been confused with cedar.


The Sequoia genera are California trees but the redwood is found in southern Curry County, Oregon. The original surveyors sometimes confused redwood with cedar and vice versa. 

Redwood is probably the best bearing tree to be found anywhere. It's only real competition for the honor would be Pacific Yew and Arizona Ironwood (Olneya tesota), but all are rare trees. If a redwood bearing tree was called for in the field notes it will be there, or the stump if the tree has been logged. The blaze may be partially or totally healed, depending on the size of the tree when marked. The larger trees (over 6 ft. in diam.) heal slowly, whereas the smaller trees are usually healed over, unless in a suppressed location. The scribing may be weathered and indistinct because the wood is very soft. The wood is highly resistant to decay even when buried in the ground. 

When marking a redwood, blaze through the thick and fibrous bark with a little larger than normal blaze. Make the letters larger than normal and use a sharp scribe to avoid tearing the soft wood. Painting is optional.