CANYON LIVE OAK (Quercus chrysolepi$)
CALIFORNIA LIVE OAK (Quercus agrifolia)
INTERIOR LIVE OAK (Quercus wislizenii)
BLUE OAK (Quercus douglasii)
Other names: live oak, hollyleaf oak, maul oak, oak


These trees are confined to California. All are very similar in appearance and size. The live oaks are evergreen. The blue oak is deciduous, i.e., the leaves fall in winter. The live oaks listed here are only a few of several species found in California. These live oaks are impressive trees up to 4 ft. or more in diameter and live up to 300 years of age. The blue oak is not as large, up to about 24" diameter and a life expectancy of about 250 years. The bark is thick and rough, over a thick sapwood on these trees. Large mature trees are frequently hollow wit Under average to good conditions these trees are fast growing. In poor soil and dry slopes they may be scrubby brush. 

Original bearing trees of these species have been found with completely healed blazes, difficult to detect in the rough bark. Trees that were large when marked are usually rotted out and hollow, but reverse scribing is often found in the overgrowth, inside the hollow tree. 

Avoid marking large trees of these species. Choose young trees, 10"-12" diameter. Blaze carefully with a narrow blaze to firm wood, smooth at all edges to avoid water or sap accumulation. Paint thoroughly.