PACIFIC DOGWOOD (Cornus nuttallii)
RED DOGWOOD (Cornus stolenifera)
Other names: dogwood


The Pacific dogwood is found in the forests of the Pacific slope. California to Washington. This tree has medium to large white blossoms. The red dogwood is more of a brush or shrub than tree. found along streams throughout the northern and western states and into the interior of Alaska. The blossoms are white in small clusters. Though listed here, the red dogwood has never been known to have been marked as an original bearing tree. 

The Pacific dogwood. like the cascara, is about one step above no bearing tree at all. When blazed or injured the tree decays rapidly and dies. When the wood comes in contact with the ground. it rots to a mulch in about 2 years. There is no known recovery of an original dogwood bearing tree. 

The dogwood is not recommended as a bearing tree. A sawed Douglas-fir stump. with the bark removed would be preferred and would last much longer. If there is no other choice. use bark scribing and avoid any other injury to the tree. however slight. Do not snow blaze and take care when tagging. Paint the bark scribing.