DESERT WILLOW (Chilopsis linearis)
Other names: none known


The desertwillow is usually a shrub, but does reach 12" diameter in ideal conditions of ample moisture. This "tree" is found only in the southwestern area of the country. It has a life expectancy of about 50 years, therefore a large desertwillow is probably near maturity. The wood is soft and close grained. 

There is no record of recovery of an original desertwillow bearing tree. Either none was marked or they have disappeared since being marked. The original surveyors in the southwest often used desert- willow for corner posts however. Many of these dried and shrunken corner posts have been recovered on the desert after 100 years. 

There doesn't appear to be any really good reason not to use desert willow for a corner accessory. If carefully blazed, marked and painted it would be better than no bearing tree at all. A mound of stone would serve as an additional accessory if no other trees of better species were available. Utah finds the desertwillow acceptable as a bearing tree.