BLACK LOCUST (RobIna pseudoacacia)
HONEY LOCUST (Gleditsia triancanthos)
Other names: locust, false acacia, thorn tree.


These locusts are considered trees of the eastern states but have been introduced into parts of the west, where they thrive, even in arid conditions. These locusts are relatives of the cat claw acacia, are similarly thorny and bear a "pea pod" shaped seed pod. Both trees are rapid growing with very decay resistant wood. The black locust may reach an age of 100 years, the honey locust not much over 50 years. Locust is used for fence posts. 

There are no reports of recovered locust bearing tree. The original locusts would most likely all be gone because of the short normal life span. 

If better, more long lived trees are available do not use the locust for a bearing tree. It is rated good, here because of the slow decay of the wood generally. If used, choose young trees, keep the blaze small, into firm wood, and well painted. Release if in dense stands.