CALIFORNIA BUCKEYE (Aesculus californica)
Other names: buckeye; possibly horse chestnut.


The California buckeye is found only in that state but is closely related to the other species found in the eastern states. This buckeye is a fast growing tree, usually little more than a shrub, with a smooth grayish-brown  bark. This tree is very hardy in its arid habitat, may reach 8" in diameter and have a life expectancy of not over 1OO years. Injuries to the bark decay rapidly. 

When an original California buckeye bearing tree is found the blaze is usually decayed with little or no evidence of scribing. When dead the wood quickly decays. This tree was not marked by very many of the original surveyors. 

If the buckeye must be used, (for lack of something better) use only young trees and bark scribe them. Paint the scribing thoroughly.