SAGUARO CACTUS (Cerceus giganteus)
Other names: tree cactus, giant cactus


The saguaro cactus is of course not a tree at all but grows to 3 ft. in diameter and 60 ft. tall, which is much larger than the "trees" that grow in most of the desert. Saguaro cactus is found in southern Arizona and a few in southern California. As with any cactus, it is covered with sharp spines which grow from the ribs in clusters. 

This writer has seen saguaro cactus used as "bearing trees" in the original surveys. The blaze was always decayed to a large hole and if ever scribed there were no marks remaining. The cactus was still aive and relatively sound. 

If nothing else is available the saguaro cactus can be used for a bear1ng tree, Unless the cactus is full of water and swelled out to reduce the height of the "ribs" it is almost impossible to bark scribe. When such is poss1ble, bark scribe with quite large letters, well spaced. If barkscribing isn't possible do not blaze, instead just tag the tree. The very presence of the saguaro cactus would serve as an immovable accessory for perhaps 200 years or more, or until destroyed by man.