Here it is... The stone of possession...finally tracked it down to the National History Museum, thanks to Beerlegs Holy Cow I probably wouldn't have looked for it ... 

Here's the abridged version of the stones history: 

Frenchies used to have a few of these on their ships pre carved when they were out and the 1700's they were duking it out with the Brits for territory in the Indian Ocean and they'd  just kick one of these out as proof of ownership on any land they might come across. They landed on the uninhabited Seychelles with this rock in 1756. Around 1800 the Brits took over control because they were badder then the French.... and this stone was basically ignored and vandalized until it was happenstance on in a local hotel garden in Victoria in the late 1800's by Jim Bob the Frenchman...who realizing the historical value of the stone had it packed up and shipped off to the Paris Museum....but one of his shipping guys ratted him out to the British Governor who had a friggen cow and demanded the return of the stone or he was gonna throw Jim bob into the tropical gulag. Jim bob argued that the stone was on hotel property therefore private property... but ol what's his name, the Mahe big wig called bullshit on that and had an official survey done to determine the hotel property line.  The results of the survey placed the stone right on the property line therefore British... so Jim Bob not wanting to dine at the Seychelles Sing Sing forever and a day, arranged for the stone to be returned from Kenya where it was in transit. And here it today in pretty decent shape with a two month absence from the islands.

(okay this was from memory and I couldn't remember the names of the players...but if Seychelles internet was up to snuff today then you might get more detailed history here.)









Victoria's Botanical Gardens


































Fruit Bats, two foot wingspans... you don't want these flapping about your head in the evening






























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