


On our way to the Gold rich region of Nyac we make a quick 3 day stop in the Village of Chuathbulak on the Kuskokwim to stake out some H2O line and sewer manholes.... I swear it has the prettiest sewage lagoon this side of Napiamute...





The  Chuathbulak welcoming committee





...I love it when I get to go dirt diving off the quad...




Ralph... probably the most photographed surveyor in the world. We go back some 26 years...




Of to Nyac....we call this well worn Cessna 207 "The Jalopy" ... its our main ride in this neck of the woods...throw in some turbulence and you'll be thinking about your insurance policies.





Our first glimpse of Nyac..... the helicopters fuel I never really thought electricity and gasoline really go together... but electricity, gasoline, and bears?...


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