South to Damaraland and the Skeleton Coast



This family is of the Herero tribe. They migrated in from East Africa in the 1500's. These ladies are also descendants of the first victims of the first genocide of the 20th century. A German General, Lothar von Trotha killed 3000 Herero combatants during an ant-colonial uprising... He then had all their woman and children rounded up and killed them too. Their population fell from around 80,000 in 1904 to to 16,000 in 1905.... I made sure I didn't speak any German around them.





A Black backed Jackal hanging near my campsite ...



... and giving me the evil eye







Camp spot near Brandenberg Mountain. The sun always seems to beat me to setting up camp but not today. As I pulled in a Caracal took off running  ... sorta bobcat type...I don't think he would bother me... Le book I am referencing does caution not to sleep with ones head outside the tent flaps because you could be decapitated... that's nice.












That's Brandenburg Mountain with the last of the sun on it. Highest mountain in Namibia at about 8000 feet.







... and in the other direction ...







.... Next Morning....



looks like a toy... weird depth of field thing going on ...







Drive for hours on washboard then come across this uninhabited ghost town ....




A school






a fancy entrance





 ....a fancy mural at the back ...

















Now this family is from the Damara tribe... pretty ancient...An anthropological mystery. Their language is based on clicking with their tongue. This family is trying to sell wind chimes and gem stones from the area to passer bys....not very lucrative..





You ever see the opening sequence of Planet of the Apes where Charlton Heston crashes into the desert and is wondering where the hell he is?








I'm just waiting for a truck load of Apes to show up and throw a net over me.












Abandoned Oil Rig on the Skeleton Coast

















A higher resolution






It's the Skeleton Coast